Adjust Projectors

This set of functionality operates on the projector level. While the overall calibration—such as soft edge, overlap, and warping—remains intact, you can adjust each individual projector in terms of intensity, color balance, and masking. Fine-tuning and precisely adjusting each projector is key to achieving a convincing and seamless overall projection.

One launched, start by selecting a projector to adjust:

  • brightness & color: Adjust so that the projector matches the surrounding ones. Kepp join channels checked to adjust the total brightness; uncheck if you need to adjust the color channels individually

  • projector masking: Masking on projector level is handled here.

    • Clear mask will erase any existing projector mask.

    • from file loads a prebuilt mask (image file, BMP or PNG) where black = masked and white = see-through

    • new/edit mask opens the mask editor to create or edit masks on the fly. Learn more here: Projector masking

Keep Show disply identification checked to see the name of the projector rendered on the projector output. This way you can easily identify which projector you are handling at the moment.

Last updated