
This guide shows you how to integrate your VIOSO projection calibration into Techviz.


Techviz processes VIOSO’s native export format (.vwf). You can export the calibration in this format from in VIOSO6 from free mode or project mode

2. In Techviz

To enable VIOSO warping, you must first create a VIOSO.ini file. Use the following template:


;; Specify the full path to your VWF file

;; Specify the base matrix, that may vary depending on your display setup

base=[1000,0,0,0; 0,1000,0,0; 0,0,1000,0; 0,0,0,1]

;; Specify the channel indices, for as many channels as the VWF file contains













;; If you want debug logs:

; logLevel=3

; logFile=C:\file.log

You must then enable VIOSO warping in your Techviz configuration file. This is done by adding the following parameters:

## Enable VIOSO warping warping\vioso=1 

## Specify the full path to the VIOSO .ini file we just created warping\vioso\ini=C:\file.ini 

## Specify the channel name prefixes, for as many channels as the VWF file contains screen 0\warping\vioso\channel=A screen 1\warping\vioso\channel=B screen 2\warping\vioso\channel=C 

## To set the HUD position automatically to the position of the screen corresponding to the given channel name # warping\vioso\hud=B 

## For debug: 0 to disable, 1 to enable and skip warping, 2 to enable and perform warping 

## This will display the positions of the VIOSO origin (in red), TechViz origin (in blue), and overriding actuals (in green) 

# warping\vioso\debug=1 The warping will now be applied when you launch TechViz.

All of these parameters can be modified interactively, including the .ini file: simply click the “Read configuration file” button in Otrack to apply your changes.

Last updated